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Colloquium Series: Dr. Paulo Bedaque

November 4, 2024 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Title:  Quantum Computation for Quantum Chromodynamics

The first major application of quantum computing may very well be in the realm of quantum physics itself, with a particular focus on problems involving the strong nuclear force, which are prime candidates for the use of quantum computation. As we anticipate the advent of large-scale, error-corrected quantum computers, there are key conceptual challenges that must be addressed. This includes a fresh approach to Quantum Field Theory simulations. In this colloquium, we will explore some of the ongoing efforts and ideas in this quest.


November 4, 2024
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm


Amy Nicholson


Phillips 265
120 East Cameron Avenue
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
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