Arada Malekian
Title: “Supergravities in 5 and 6 Dimensions with 32 and 24 Supercharges”
Compactification of the 10-dimensional Type IIB superstring theory to five and six dimensions provides us with five and six-dimensional maximal supergravity theories with 32 supercharges (N=(2,2)). In addition, chiral supergravities appear to exist in those dimensions with 24 supercharges (N=(2,1)) as massless field theories. We computed the five and six-dimensional maximal supergravity theories as low energy limits of the 10-dimensional superstring theory, compactified via internal fermions and then made the 5-dimensional string theory chiral by projecting out some of the states of the maximal theory. We used the Dolan-Goddard formalism and wrote all the string theories in a consistent modular invariant partition function notation. In D=6, however, the supergravity with 24 supercharges is believed to have a gravitational anomaly which would make it difficult to find this supergravity as a low energy limit of the superstring theory.