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Physics and Astronomy Master’s Presentation – Amy Glazier

UNC-CH Physics and Astronomy Master's Presentation Amy Glazier "Evryscope and K2 Constraints on TRAPPIST-1 Superflare Occurrence and Planetary Habitability" The Evryscopes are the first gigapixel-scale all-sky survey telescopes, designed, constructed, and operated through UNC Chapel Hill⁠. From their locations in … Read more

Physics and Astronomy Prelim Presentation – Ward Howard

UNC-CH Physics and Astronomy Prelim Presentation Ward Howard "Investigating exoplanet habitability and the stellar magnetism of cool stars across half the Southern sky via superflares, starspots, and stellar rotation." Stellar flares are stochastic events that occur when a star's magnetic … Read more

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium – Gökçe Basar

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium Gökçe Basar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "The Search for the QCD Critical Point" The strong force binds the building blocks of protons and neutrons, quarks and gluons, together and creates most of the … Read more

Physics and Astronomy Master’s Presentation – David Alberto Hervas

UNC-CH Physics and Astronomy Master's Presentation David Alberto Hervas "An Assay-based Background Model for the MAJORANA DEMOSTRATOR" The MAJORANA collaboration is searching for neutrinoless double-beta decay (0νββ) in 76Ge using modular arrays of enriched, high-purity Ge detectors. The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR … Read more

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium – Sara Haravifard

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium Sara Haravifard, Duke University "Experiments with Quantum Materials" Just as the discovery of semiconductors revolutionized the electronics industry in the twentieth century, the development of Quantum Materials holds the key to new advances in technology. There … Read more

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium – Robert Jaffe

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium Robert Jaffe, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "Physics and Energy" Energy is a central concept in physics. Because energy is conserved, it is possible to understand the behavior of complex systems by tracing the flow of energy … Read more

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium – Amy Nicholson

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium Amy Nicholson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Exploring Beyond the Standard Model with Lattice QCD" While the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics has been enormously successful in describing the world around us, there … Read more

Physics and Astronomy Thesis Proposal Presentation – Reece Boston

UNC-CH Physics and Astronomy Thesis Proposal Presentation Reece Boston White dwarf stars occupy a region of parameter space just between relativistic and Newtonian physics, being the least compact of the compact objects. In terms of gravitational field strength they lie … Read more

Physics and Astronomy Thesis Proposal Presentation – Christopher Moakler

UNC-CH Physics and Astronomy Thesis Proposal Presentation Christopher Moakler "Predicting Granular Material Dynamics via Mapping the Potential Energy Surface" Granular materials are a ubiquitous yet ill-understood class of media. Many different approaches and techniques have been developed to understand the … Read more

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium – Christoph Schmidt

UNC-Duke Joint Physics Colloquium Christoph Schmidt, Hertha Sponer Distinguished Professor of Physics, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Biology, Duke University "Active Biological Matter and Mechanosensing" Thermodynamic non-equilibrium is a defining feature of living systems on all levels of organization. … Read more