Heitsch, Fabian
Office: 292 Phillips HallEmail: fheitsch@physics.unc.edu
Web page: https://users.physics.unc.edu/~fheitsch/
- University of Münster, B.Sc. Math and Computer Science, 1993
- University of Bonn, M.Sc. Physics, 1998
- University of Heidelberg, Ph.D. Physics, 2001
- 2020-present: Professor, U. of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- 2015-2020: Associate Professor, U. of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- 2009-2015: Assistant Professor, U. of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
- 2006-2009: Assistant Research Scientist, U. of Michigan – Ann Arbor
- 2003-2006: Research Staff Scientist, University Observatory Munich
- 2001-2003: Research Associate, U. Wisconsin – Madison/U. Colorado – Boulder
For more information, please see https://users.physics.unc.edu/~fheitsch/
Areas of Interest
My research interests range around astrophysical gas dynamics, or “IXM-physics”, where X stands for the letters (S,G,C). Currently, my students and I are working on models of the formation of molecular clouds and stars, the role of high velocity clouds for Galactic evolution, how to translate simulation results to the observational plane, and on some plasma-physics. This involves running numerical simulations on highly parallel machines. For more information, please see https://physics.unc.edu/~fheitsch/research.php
(see ADS)