Wallace, Colin
Teaching Associate Professor in Physics Education
Office: 246 PhillipsEmail: cswphys@email.unc.edu
Web page: paer.unc.edu
· B.S. Astronomy, Case Western Reserve University, 2005
· M.S. Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2007
· Ph.D. Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, 2011
· Postdoctoral Fellow in Space Science Education, University of Arizona, 2011-2014
· Associate Astronomer, University of Arizona, 2014
· Teaching Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina, 2014-2020
· Director, UNC Summer Institute for College Teaching, University of North Carolina, 2017-present
· Teaching Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, 2020-present
Dr. Wallace works in the field of astronomy and physics education research. His work focuses on identifying conceptual, reasoning, and problem-solving difficulties students experience while learning physics and astronomy. This research informs the development of active learning curricula which are used in classrooms across the country. Dr. Wallace also frequently runs professional development workshops focused on helping current and future faculty effectively implement active learning.
You can find information about Dr. Wallace’s publications here.