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The American Physical Society (APS) Bridge Program seeks to increase the number of underrepresented minorities (URMs) with physics PhDs. Recognizing that a disproportionate number of URM students may get a late start in physics, have inadequate opportunities for high-level coursework, and/or have reduced access to informal mentoring, the Bridge Program includes transition programs that prepare such students for physics PhD programs and a national network of “partnership sites” committed to providing mentoring for such students as they complete their physics PhDs. The Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNC Chapel Hill is pleased to announce that after a thorough application and interview process, our department has been named an APS Bridge Program partnership site. In response, we have created a committee chaired by Profs. Sheila Kannappan and Adrienne Erickcek to lead our involvement with the APS Bridge Program. This committee will oversee program logistics, enhance existing mentoring programs to address the specific needs of Bridge alumni and other URM PhD students, and work with APS Bridge leaders and other Bridge network institutions to improve strategies for recruiting, training, and mentoring promising students from all backgrounds.

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