“Design, Fabrication, and Actuation of a Magnetic Micro-actuator Platform for Passive Fluid Flow, Active Fluid Flow, and Cell Motility Studies”
The actuating surface-attached post (ASAP) array project draws on inspiration from natural phenomena, namely the methods by which cilia generate fluid flow. My work focused on the production and application of a highly versatile micro-actuator platform for use in microfluidic manipulation and cell motility studies. The system consists of arrays of high-aspect ratio elastomeric pillars with magnetic material concentrated in the pillar tip for magnetic control over pillar actuation. I will provide background on biological cilia as the inspiration for the development of our system and discuss the motivations of materials selection. I will explain the development of our robust fabrication protocol for these arrays, which comprises a significant portion of my work. I incorporated novel fabrication techniques for internal localization of magnetic material in ASAP tips and demonstrated actuation patterns that should overcome the so-called Scallop Theorem associated with low Reynolds number fluid environments. I will provide a discussion of current applications of our platform, highlighting passive and active fluid manipulation in low Reynolds number microfluidic environments, and the development and use of ASAP as the foundation of novel dynamic bio-substrates for investigating mechanisms of cancer cell metastasis. Finally, I will discuss immediate improvements to be made to the platform and actuation system, and ways the ASAP technology can be applied to challenges in other applications.
Jacob Brooks: