Phillips 277Igor Andreoni
Igor Andreoni
Paul Romatschke- University of Colorado Title: Life on an Endless Hill: Making Sense of Up-Side-Down Potentials in Quantum Mechanics and High Energy Physics In classical physics, unbounded (or "up-side-down") potentials do not allow for a stable ground state. As a … Read more
Igor Andreoni
Nicole Melso All of the undiscovered gas in the universe lies in the dimmest parts of the sky, in the intergalactic medium (IGM) and circumgalactic medium (CGM) beyond galaxies. This gas emits light below the detection threshold of most … Read more
Denija Crnojevic- University of Tampa Near-Field Cosmology with wide-field surveys of resolved galaxies The widely accepted Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmological paradigm faces important challenges at the scales of individual galaxies, primarily linked to the implementation of baryonic … Read more
Astronomy on Tap- Fullsteam Brewery (726 Rigsbee Ave, Durham, NC 27701). Title: Stealing the Sunlight: Your Guide to the 04/08/24 eclipse Nick Eakes Join Nick Eakes, NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador and Astronomy Educator from Morehead Planetarium and … Read more
Nicole Melso
Alan Vasquez Soto Zoom link: Title: Exploring the Fast Transient Optical Sky & Developing New Technologies for the Argus Array Abstract: Time-domain surveys like ZTF, ASAS-SN, and PanStarrs have discovered myriad phenomena, such as supernovae evolving on … Read more
Carolina Quantum Hacks is UNC's first quantum computing hackathon event taking place on April 6th-7th in SN/Brooks 009. Participants will have the opportunity to create quantum-related coding projects to compete for prizes, attend workshops from UNC student organizations, … Read more