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The Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) today announced the approval and release of A New Era of Discovery: The 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science. This new document provides a roadmap for advancing the nation’s nuclear science research programs over the next decade. It is the 8th long-range plan published by NSAC since 1979. The plan highlights the scientific opportunities of nuclear physics today to maintain world leadership in the context of four different budget scenarios and details progress since the last long-range plan. The document also features the impact of nuclear science on other fields and applications of the research that benefit society.

To celebrate and resonate with the launch of the Long Range Plan,  a simultaneous hybrid in-person/virtual event titled “Update on the Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science” is scheduled for October 6th, from 2 pm – 3 pm EDT. This event is national in scope and welcomes all interested members of the scientific community and beyond. Gail Dodge, the NSAC Chair, will present a webinar via Zoom, complemented by a local component.

In the triangle area, we invite all the faculty, staff, postdocs, and students of the Triangle Universities to join this Update, as this event holds significant implications for all. The gathering will take place at 2 pm on the Duke Campus, specifically in Room 128 of the Physics Building. For detailed information, please refer to the poster below.

For those who require parking: please contact Mehreen Farooq (, 919-660-2600).

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