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The SPS National Council is proud to announce the 2023-24 SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma Council! Em Chittenden of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is now the Associate Zone Councilor. Chittenden will represent the Physics and Astronomy Department in Washington DC at the SPS Conference!

The SPS National Council is the main governing body for the Society of Physics Students and Sigma Pi Sigma. The Council is composed of an elected faculty zone councilor (ZC) and an elected student associate zone councilor (AZC) from each of the 18 zones, and an elected council president and Sigma Pi Sigma president. The council composition was designed carefully with the student voice in mind. The Council meets face-to-face annually, usually in the fall in the Washington, DC, area and by video conference each spring.

SPS is a chapter based society that exists to help students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community. Traditional coursework develops only one range of skills. Other skills needed to flourish professionally include effective communication and personal interactions, leadership experience, establishing a personal network of contacts, presenting scholarly work in professional meetings and journals, research experiences, and outreach services to the campus and local communities. Through its members, advisers, chapters, and leadership, SPS enables national initiatives and local impacts within the community. SPS supports students, advisers, and departments to improve the overall community.

SPS wants to support every undergraduate student with an interest in physics and astronomy excel. SPS seeks to assist every undergraduate department help students succeed. Locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, the SPS offers the opportunity for these important enrichments to the student’s experience.

Congratulations Em Chittenden!


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