Weinberg-Wolf, Jennifer
Teaching Associate Professor in Physics Education
Office: 182 PhillipsEmail: jweinber@physics.unc.edu
Web page:
Dr. W received a double degree from Harvard University from the departments of Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics. She then moved to Chapel Hill and received her PhD from this department in May, 2006. She joined the faculty here in 2012.
Dr. W’s graduate work was in collaboration with Dr. Laurie McNeil, studying the optical properties of organic semiconductors. Since joining the faculty, her focus has been on teaching, working with the introductory sequence for physical scientists (specifically Phys 119) and our general education course “How Things Work” (Phys 100). In addition, she is active in K-12 outreach, as an undergraduate academic advisor for our majors, and on the diversity committee. Interested in becoming a major – come ask me questions!
You can find more about Dr. W at her website: https://jweinber.weebly.com/, including a CV with a list of publications.