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Graduate student Joseph Moscoso and Professor Amy Nicholson have recently published a paper in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review D, both being selected as editors’ suggestion

February 12, 2024

The paper “Two-Pole Nature of the Λ(1405) Resonance from Lattice QCD” published by the Baryon Scattering (BaSc) collaboration was recently accepted as editors’ suggestion in the Physical Review Letters.  The accompanying paper “Lattice QCD study of πΣ−KN scattering and the … Read more

Colloquium Honors Professor Hugon Karwowski on Retirement

January 27, 2023

On January 9th, 2023, the Department of Physics and Astronomy held a colloquium on Measurements of Fission Product Yields Using Monoenergetic Neutron and Gamma-ray Beams in honor of Professor Hugon Karwowski on the occasion of his retirement.    The colloquium celebrated Karwowski … Read more