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Physics & Astronomy Ally Spotlight: Maggie Jensen

October 29, 2020

The Ally Spotlight is a new project from the Diversity Committee designed to celebrate staff, faculty, + students who have taken the initiative to develop their allyship skills to help foster a more inclusive department. This month, we are featuring … Read more

The Cosmological Lithium Problem

September 14, 2020

The Cosmological Lithium Problem The standard model of the Big Bang rests on three observational pillars. The first is the cosmic microwave background radiation. The second is the cosmic expansion as measured by the light from distant supernovae. The third … Read more

Emergence of a pseudogap in ultracold gases

August 4, 2020

The most recent publication by Associate Prof. Joaquin Drut, in collaboration with Aurel Bulgac and Adam Richie-Halford from the University of Washington, appeared today in Physical Review Letters. In this work, Drut and colleagues investigate strongly correlated Fermi systems with pairing … Read more

Toward the quantum many-body problem, one particle at a time.

July 30, 2020

The latest work of graduate student Yaqi Hou and associate professor Joaquin Drut just appeared in Physical Review Letters, highlighted as Editor’s suggestion. Hou and Drut pushed to new heights a non-perturbative computational technique (also originally developed and applied by Drut’s … Read more

Statement from the Physics & Astronomy Diversity Committee

June 12, 2020

From June 4, 2020 Many of us have reacted in horror to the senseless killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, and other recent acts of violence against Black Americans that have consumed the country. As a departmental community … Read more